Friday, October 23, 2009


Soooo not doing good!

Sorry I haven't been posting everything I've been very sick with some type of stomach ailment. Nothing too major, but it has me in bed a lot so I'm rarely on the computer right now. Also, I haven't slept in around 48 hours so I'm kinda off right now... Yeah off... lol

Probably write something super special when I get better. Until then I'm sorry. :(

Sunday, October 18, 2009


So who here is excited for Final Fantasy XIV!? I am! I can't wait for that game to come out! Hell, I can't wait 'til FFXIII comes out!

Lately I've been playing a lot of FFXI because to be honest I kind of miss it. It's still fun to do Dynamis and other end game stuff like HNM's and KSNM's with old friends. A lot don't play anymore, but some still do. A lot of people I know got banned for using a glitch to get treasure by switching to an alliance and getting more then they were supposed to. I don't think I could ever level another character in that game though. It would take FOREVER to find a leveling party. Hell, it must be hard to get a merit group going. Luckily, I have people to merit with if I desire to do so. I heard a lot of people left FFXI to play Aion, something I still can't get into.

Did you hear there's rumors going around that Mass Effect 2 might be on the PS3. EA had it on their site then took it down saying that it was a 'mistake' . Also, someone tweeted that it was also going to be going to be on 3 platforms, 360, PS3, and PC, but he later retracted that statement. I have all the consoles, but I would still buy it for the PC.

Also, news of Infamous 2 was leaked. I never played Infamous besides the demo. It was pretty fun, but I couldn't see myself spending 60$ on the game because frankly I wasn't that into it.

Anyways I'm tired it's late and I'm going to sleep! Night!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I am bored! Really bored.

I was playing a little Diablo 2 today, but there's only so many hours you can spend MFing before you want to hang yourself with your mouse. Just been watching a lot of Youtube today. I have no idea why, but I was pretty entertained today watching people shoot all different types of guns. I am a gun supported in case you were wondering. I've been around guns since a very early age. My father has guns, my grandfather had A LOT of guns, my uncle has guns, and even my aunt has guns. I love going to a shooting range and shooting the only thing is since I am under the age of 21 I'm not legally allowed to shoot a handgun at a range. It sucks, but shooting a .22 rifle is still a lot of fun. Also, it's a good way to spend time with my father. The only thing is the local shooting range near my house is out of business, and the next closest one is around an hour away. That sucks!

I actually did some HNM's in FFXI today lawl. Also, a few KSNM's because I had a lot of them saved up from when I used to play hardcore. Other then that I haven't done crap today. It's cold, windy, and rainy. A very shitty day overall. Oh well! Anyways I'm gonna go find something to keep my attention until I pass out! BYE!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How I feel about MMOs!

I am so tired today... Hmm..

I want to make an MMORPG! I really do! Some of the ideas I have for MMO's I think would be fun. I have played MMO's since Final Fantasy XI came out on the PC in America. I also played World of Warcraft since December 17, 2004. I also tried some other MMO's free ones and ones I've payed for. For free I've played Knight Online (horrible), Silk Road (Not bad for a free game. Only downside is it's a GRINDFEST.), Maplestory (for 5 minutes), and sadly Runescape. Runescape was the only free MMO I actually played for more then a week. I only got to level 42, but I was addicted to leveling mining and smithing. Something about that that I enjoyed... Okay, those where all the free MMO's I've played here are the ones I've payed for: Final Fantasy XI (still play on and off have a few jobs at 75 my favorite to play is WHM.), World of Warcraft (have 5 level 80's and a 72 shammy and 71 warrior), Guild Wars (got to 20 and didn't want to play anymore), Age of Conan (just got out of the starting area and was bored), Warhammer (I really did try to like this, but I got 2 characters to 25 and found it WAY too repetitive), and Aion (currently playing it have a 15 Sorceress. I hope they add more quests). Hopefully once I get into the abyss I'll like Aion, but as of now it's not looking too bright. So the only two MMOs I've played and actually stuck with to the end is FFXI and WoW. Also, yes I do plan on playing FFXIV. But, frankly I'm tired of WoW and I'm just not that into FFXI anymore, so I'm not currently playing any MMO's. Aion I do play with my friend sometimes, but neither I or her really care for it that much. My friend is still majorly into WoW, but I just don't find it fulfilling anymore. Raiding is too repetitive and I feel they ruined PvP a long, long time ago. I raided in WoTLK with a Death Knight from November until April. I stopped a bit after Ulduar came out mainly because my guild was bad and I started to lose my patience. After I quit raiding I leveled a hunter that I've had forever, but just never wanted to get it to 80. By the time I got it to 80 (which was pretty slow because I was leveling with my friend and she couldn't be on all the time.) the new instances where out (ToC). I was going to try to get back into raiding with my hunter so I geared it by doing heroics and pugging raids. After gearing my character for 4 days my hunter was in all ilvl 213+ gear. I was astounded at how easy they made gearing characters! After seeing how easy they made everything it just made me not want to raid. I tried raiding the other night and I left after one boss I was so bored! The group wasn't bad or anything it's just that the game has lost its I guess sparkle I should say. Now don't get me wrong I really would like to see Icecrown in patch 3.3, but I think I'm going to do that on my Shaman.

So now here I am playing Diablo 2 and thinking about how I can make a really cool MMORPG. It seems there's so many cool ideas out there that developers could intertwine with their games, but they just don't do it. It seems all the new MMO's coming out today are just repackaged World of Warcraft with lamer quests. The graphics might be fancier, but that doesn't make a good game! I really think that developers are just getting lazy, I mean look at Warhammer that game has about 10 people playing it now because their team couldn't balance their way out of a paper bag! I know that's a terrible way to put it, but it's true. Aion I believe has potential, but that games has a lot of problems with gold sellers botting and spamming. Also, one of the games biggest faults is it is too grindy for mainstream America. Maybe mainstream Korea and China likes the grind, but Americans don't! I don't have a problem with it being challenging to get to the level cap, but make it fun! Not go kill x mob y times over and over again. It gets old... Supposedly the NCsoft is in the middle of working on a patch that will make quests give more exp, but I think they're missing the problem with the patch. The quests just need to be less grindy overall and less traveling involved. Adding more quest exp isn't a bad idea, but the quests need to be more engaging. AND SOMEONE BETTER COME OUT WITH A DAMNED GOOD MMOFPS! That's all I got to say about that...

So as you know if you've read my previous blog I've been MFing a lot lately in D2. I have been scoring a lot of nice items yesterday and today! I've found a wizzyspike, 2 keysets, demon's arch, Que-hegan's, harlequin's crest, and some other nice things all in the last day! I feel I've been pretty lucky! Well I'm done talkin now. BYE

Monday, October 12, 2009

Resistance 3 Leaked

Today pictures of a Resistance 3 billboard where leaked. The billboard was in Shreveport Louisiana and was left behind because the movie Battle: Los Angeles was being shit there. I guess they planned on announcing the game sometime before this movie comes out.

Here is a pic of the billboard

The billboard is sporting the Empire State building and the Statue of Liberty looks like the game is going to be taking place in my neck of the woods, NYC. Also, looks like it's going to once again be a PS3 exclusive.

I played the original when I first purchased my PS3 way back in January of '07. Well it was actually my first PS3 game. It was a good play, obviously I was stunned by the graphics because it was my first time playing a next gen game. Never had a chance to play the second one. Might have to pick that up before this one comes out so I'm not left behind.

Anyways... back to Diablo 2 lol.. BYE

My day, Swedes, and Diablo 2.

It really, really sucks when you wake up and you still feel like complete crap for the 6th day in a row. First off I didn't fall asleep until about 6am, and finally once I did fall asleep my dog woke me up because he wanted to go outside... I wake up can barely breathe and he's just in my face like, "HEY! WAKEY WAKEY! OUTSIDE NOW! YES YOU LAZY! OUTSIDE NOW OR I'M GONNA PEE SOMEWHERE IN THE HOUSE AND YOU GOTTA CLEAN IT!"

So I finally walk bring him down this is about 8am 2 hours after I fell asleep. I open the sliding door to my deck and he sees it's wet and doesn't want to go outside now. So then I put him on my front porch where he can't get wet, but instead of just peeing there he runs down the steps into the shrub bed so he can get muddy. So now I have to go get him in nothing but my boxers and carry him back into my house >.>! He won't come back in because he's old and doesn't like stairs... So now I have to clean him with paper towel just a freakin mess! Now this dog is the most spoiled thing in the world! After that he wants Cheerios and milk! Yes, I do think he's part cat. So I give him his Cheerios and a splash of milk on it and he finally eats it after staring at me for about 10 minutes. After, I bring him back upstairs so I can finally go back to sleep about 45 minutes after he first woke me up. FUN FUN morning!

So I fall back asleep in literally 2 seconds flat which is a testament to how tired I was. Then I get awoken around 1pm (yeah I know that's late but that's pretty early for me actually lol) by my cell phone. It's my mother just calling to see if I'm feeling any better because like I said before this is like the 6th day I'm still sick. Then after that I try to get outta bed, but I just sat there for a few minutes and fall back asleep, oops. Oh well it was nice lol. Anyways I finally woke up today around 4PM! That's pretty bad I know, I know! But, I'm wide awake now only been up for 2 hours and its 6pm lol.

So that was life today... Now let's move on to something a bit more interesting then boring life. In Sweden today a Starcraft gamer lost his internet during a Starcraft match. Now I've played games with Swedes before YOU DON'T INTERFERE WITH THEIR GAMING! They will go crazy on your ass spewing out their crazy language. I never played Starcraft with anybody from Sweden, but my brother and I used to play Counter-Strike with this kid and his brother from Sweden. They actually came and visited my brother and I it was pretty cool, but no one cares about that. But, for the most part they would just get verbal if you mess with their gaming. Let me tell you the gaming culture in Sweden is very, very alive a lot of your top Counter-Strike and WoW players hail from Sweden. So anyways about this kid from Sweden, he was in the middle of a Starcraft match and his internet goes out. So, what does he do you ask? He runs out of his house with a knife and stabs a 15 year old girl. That's normal right? What did he think she was a zergling or something? Supposedly he stabbed her MULTIPLE times, but thankfully she is still alive and well. Now I know what you're thinking, "A story like this will give those Jack Thompson nut jobs something to talk about." Well it already has, Metro news in Sweden are already trying to blame violent video games for this kid's violence. Here is the article if you can read Swedish. It's not violent video games that caused this kid to go ape shit! It's Blizzard for making an addicting game! I'm just kidding! Obviously the kid had mental issues and frankly I think his friends, parents, or colleagues should of noticed something. Anyways enough about that and I wish the girl a quick recovery.

Okay, that's all I got to say for now... Off to go MF in Diablo II 'til my eyes bleed! BYE!

Tl;Dr: My dogs a pain in the ass. I sleep too much. Swedes love their games. Swede stabs girl over Starcraft Read about it here. MFing in D2 'til my eyes bleed.

Oh and one question leave comment with your answer. Whats the rarest item you've ever found in Diablo 2? Whats the rarest rune you've found?

For me the rarest Item I've found is probably a perfect eth Titan's. As for best rune Mal. I've only traded for anything higher then a mal... I have bad luck with runes. /sigh.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Yeah, I know haven't done much with this lol...

Okay then! Let's see. Today was a good day! Got some Starbucks (Raspberry Latte). Was the first time I got this kind of latte wasn't bad. I much rather a caramel mochiato but w/e.

So anyways I was watching some videos on and there's this one video of Meredith Vieira (she hosts one of those news shows in the morning I forget which one) but this video is of her hosting Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and this guy from the navy comes on as a contestant. My God is she a horny woman. She even comes out and just says it right on the air. I used to watch that show when I was in 4th grade! She was oogling the guy as soon as he came out onto the set. Now don't get me wrong she is pretty decent looking for an older woman, but I mean come on! She made the guy most likely EXTREMELY uncomfortable. But, what makes it so much more great is that the 100$ and 200$ questions where very sexual sounding. Well you can watch it and laugh ENJOY!

Okay, now then Diablo 2 LOD. Just started playing that again and am making a WW Barb. The only problem I am having is that I can't decide what weapon mastery to go I mean they all look awesome. I'm really thinking swords and going BoTD/Death. But, I am open for suggestions. The only reason I think I'm playing this game again is because well I have been researching a lot about Diablo 3 and who knows when that's going to come out *cough* 2011 *cough*. Such a long wait... I honestly wished that the new Blizzard MMO was a Diablo universe MMO, but I don't mind that they're making it in a new unannounced universe. I wish a decent MMOFPS would come out because I LOVE playing FPS games, on the computer only of course.

With all that aside what do you think the new Blizzard MMO universe will be? I'm feeling something a bit more mature (gore not boobs).

Anyways yeah yeah yeah I actually am gonna start making blogs everyday I GUESS.